Entra Verified ID Troubleshooter

This is a tool for troubleshooting Microsoft Entra Verified ID


  • Wallet
    • View VCs in this test wallet
    • Setup a Wallet - New! You don't need to create a wallet. One will be created for you automatically.'
      • New Wallet - Creates a in memory wallet with secp256k1 key pairs and a did:ion URI
      • Set Wallet - Pasting in JSON you have saved from a previous session
      • Get Wallet - View the current in memory wallet in JSON so you can copy/paste it to a local file.

  • Test Issuance/Presentation as Wallet
    • Issuance a VC to the test wallet in this browser based on a QR code in an Relying Party app
    • Present a VC from the test wallet in this browser based on a QR code in an Relying Party app

  • Test Issuance/Presentation as Application
    • Test your relying party app configuration
    • Test issuing a VC having this webapp acting as the relying party application
    • Test presenting a VC having this webapp acting as the relying party application

Where to start?

If your app can't produce a QR code, then use Test Issuance/Presentation as Application to troubleshoot your configuration.
If your app can produce a QR code, but you have trouble getting it to work with the wallet/Authenticator, then use Test Issuance/Presentation as Wallet.

Status of this tool

This tool is a prototype. Currently it supports id_token, id_token_hint, self issued, VC presentation and multiple attestations flows issuance.
This webapp is for testing purposes only. It can help you troubleshoot why issuance or presentation does not work. It does not persist you wallet content and you have to export it before you exit.